الخميس، 29 مايو 2014

-Supporting teaching by creating presentations:

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Reflection P.2:

Although I really enjoy using presentation technology, still there 
are times where I question why I keep using them. Not that I feel not like using them, but there are thing that I don't like. For example, because this technology is so beneficial, lots of students and teachers depend on it completely to give a lesson and present all the information without inquiring the student to think and challenge himself .Even though its interesting, but the absence of the human element and discussion, steals that feature. In addition, as I mentioned before, technology can face break downs any moment and if the teacher is depending on it to convey the information, then it's a waste of time to not have a class. That's what I don't like, but generally if the teacher and students are well trained and aware of how this technology works, then I suppose there will be no problem. I already like prezi so much, but as for powerpoint, I wish for more interesting set of themes.

In future, I'm planning to also use presentation technology in teaching practice. I want to use it to create quizzes to my student and display for all to see so I can generate their attention and interaction. Also I would like to use it to provide a summery for what I will teach them so they will be able to discuss it with me in class and then go back to it whenever they feel so. In addition since lots of students are not well organized, I will use presentation technology to ask my student to do some reflections over a project they will do. That will help them organize their thoughts, time and to think of what are the most important points they need to portray in their presentation. One last thing is that I'll ask them to create their own lesson regarding one of the topics in the curriculum in order to test their understanding and encourage them to search.

All in all, as a student myself, I find it important to use presentation technology, but always with the condition of proper training and  well understanding of the technology and the roles of both teachers and students.


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