الخميس، 29 مايو 2014

Mobile learning in the classroom:

-Reflection p.1:

Nowadays, mobile learning is creeping steadily through the educational process. Mobile learning is "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices”  (Crompton, 2013 p. 4). In other words, with the use of mobile devices, learners can learn 
anywhere and at any time.

M-learning technologies include handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks, mobile phones and
 tablets. It focuses on the mobility of the student or learner, interacting with portable technologies, and learning which reflects a focus on how society and its institutions can attach to and support an increasingly mobile population. I didn't really  use this kind of education in one of my courses except TECH3008. In this course we applied mobile learning through using mobile phone phones and the apps it holds. For example, whatsapp and play store. We were being able to discover set of apps that we can use as future teachers. In addition, we used whatsapp to organize a discussion group without being required to attend class. Moreover, since nowadays mobile devices includes internet connection, it became even easier to use for learning.

Lots of teachers and students are starting to use it more often now is that it's inexpensive since the cost of mobile devices are significantly less than PCs and laptops. They also encourage using it in classroom for its multimedia content delivery and creation options. Since it's always with the user, it provide continuous learning support when it's being needed. Moreover, teachers tend to use it to make the lesson more interesting and to make it easier on their students.
Mobile-learning technology offers educators and students a more flexible approach to learning. Computer labs are so useful, but can students use it in classrooms, school's garden, study hall, the gym, 
and on field trips? With mobile learning, students can.

The educational system we work in is not known for its speed at catching up new ideas, but with mobile-learning it is catching up in a fast way. This technology is easy for kids to use, and comes with built-in Wi-Fi to access the Internet. In addition, Instructional designers of classroom materials are always looking for ways to liven-up the instructor-led training experience since people tend to find it boarding listening to a dull lecture. Incorporating video provides students a moment to focus on something else, and it can be effective in catching their attention through visual ways, for example; videos. In addition, it provides an easy access to online sources and apps which gives the student the chance to get whatever information he/she wants in a fast way. Students and teachers can be pretty creative with the basic tools provided on most desktop of mobile devices. They can ,for example; create a video using a camera, mic, and the video editing tool

Another thing is that now schools and educators plan on using mobile learning since the creating books can cost a lot and using it guarantees a huge online storage place instead of using real storing places. With low priced mobile devices such as: tablets, and cell phones in the hands of kids in resource challenged societies, many children will get the opportunity to skip past outdated formal school systems. This is especially relevant in the case of kids who are poor and may not have an opportunity to improve their condition through education since they work early so they can sustain their families. That can apply on students who live very far away from schools.

Moreover, mobile learning devices provides the ability to  access educational content during pauses throughout the daily routine. Also educators can use mobile devices to share educational materials with their students and even ask them to giver their opinion on a topic through a special apps. Ofcorse, these are not all the ways an educator or teacher may use mobile learning in 
class, but these are the well-known and most important ones. 

Reflection P.2:

Well to start with, I believe that mobile learning can play an important role in educating people. I like the fact that I can access data and get the lesson without being required to attend class. In case I couldn't attend it, I can always find the materials online. I also liked that we can to use many apps that are interesting and are related to what we are studying. Mobile learning is really interesting that it can energize me and make me more engaged in class. But what I don't like is that too much use of this technology can cause students to be distracted during class. Moreover, in case of these devices got no energy left, we cannot use it nor access to the lesson data. In addition, sometimes because of whatever reason, the data stored in these 
devices can be lost.

As a future educator, I think I'll use this technology to teach students in needs. For example, students who are deaf can use these devices to touch and use it's visuals. It help them to feels more like their normal peers.

Moreover, I'll apply it by creating Polls  or quizzes in real time. Instead of asking the students to raise their hands if they agree or disagree with something, I can use a service like "Poll Everywhere" and students'  cell phones. I can set up the poll or quiz, and then track instant answers sent via text, Twitter, or web browsers. I can also use whatsapp to hold a discussion with them or send them some kind of educational materials such as videos, asking them to analyze it. I'll definitely make sure that I'll take advantage of this technology.


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