الخميس، 29 مايو 2014

Digital story telling:

Digital Storytelling is basically an art that portraits real or fictional events, and adding the multimedia elements of voice, imagery, and music to create a visual story. Stories are more often told to entertain, but for sure it makes a great tool to teach Lessons and provide morals. Storytelling is mostly considered to be a essential aspect of humanity. So, many apps and software were found to serve the purpose of storytelling and through years people used this technology for various reasons including education.

-Reflection P.1:

Generally not many courses used digital storytelling in teaching *according to my own experience in university*, but I believe in the importance of using it in order to be able to portray many things that would be hard to be understood if we used a dull and normal way to explain it. Usually students and teachers use programs like Movie maker, Animoto or cameras in digital storytelling. Through TECH3008 course and others, I found that digital storytelling can play an important role in educating at class.

It can be used in class to get the information stuck easily and mostly in the students' mind. I've always noticed that when we are being crammed with facts and data, only a certain amount sticks in our brain and the rest just disappears. However, when we are told a story with the data in context blended with the use of multimedia, more information is actually retained. This could easily be attached to the fact that just like our emotions, human minds are “hard wired” for stories.

Ofcorse the use of digital storytelling in class can be by students and teachers too. Teachers tend to ask their students to do digital storytelling in order to provide them with needed the digital and presentation skills. The process can capitalize on the creative skills of students as they research and tell stories of their own as they learn to use the library and the Internet to research rich, deep content while analyzing and guarantee a wide range of content. In addition, learners who participate digital stories' creation may develop their communications skills by getting to learn how to organize their own ideas, ask questions, express their point of view, and construct narratives. Moreover, it helps students to be able to convey their own thoughts and emotions in a more creative way. Some teachers create their own digital stories and show them to their students as a way to represent new material and information. An engaging, multimedia-rich digital stories can sever as an anticipatory set or hook to guaranty the attention of students and make them more interested in exploring new ideas.  

Students with diverse learning styles tend to be attracted to digital Storytelling which can foster collaboration when students are able to work in groups. Moreover, through personal ownership and accomplishment, digital storytelling enhances the student's experience. In addition, when digital stories are being published online, students will have the opportunity to share their own work with others and gain valuable experience in critiquing their own and other students’ work. which can results in social learning and gaining emotional intelligence. And according to what I've learned, the more we used digital efficiently, the more students are able to tell what the presenter is trying to tell.

Another important point I want to mention is that digital storytelling encourages students to write more effectively trough permitting the visualization of the writing which leads in an additional level of perception. Moreover, since digital story telling include managing many multimedia, texts, arranging and linking many things together in an appropriate way, students will be able be more organized and 
will get to be more focused through the process.

Through the TECH3008 course we applied the concept of digital storytelling through learning about and using Animoto which is a cloud-based video creating service that produces video from video clips, photos and music into video slideshows. It includes many interesting features like using a very beautiful themes that goes well many aspects. In addition, it got ready to use images and videos. In class we practiced on it to create our own digital story while experiencing its many features and it was really worth the try.

-Reflection P.2:

I totally liked the digital storytelling. I liked the fact that as students we are no longer restricted to the cramming way of learning and that we can be as creative in presenting the content of our study. While practicing on Animoto, I found it so useful and I liked its features, but I only wish for even more themes to be added. Aside from that, I've no objections regarding it, it's a wonderful program.
Even with the obvious benefits of digital storytelling, there are thing that I don't like regarding it.  That fact that lots of teachers don't seem to know how to use this technology well reflecting in poor understanding to the content the teacher is trying to communicate through it. In addition, some teachers have a difficult time figuring out how to assess digital storytelling assignments.

Moreover, not all students will be able to deal with this technology the same. Some may take longer time to grab the idea and some will be fast so managing a certain time to finish their storytelling is hard to set. digital storytelling usually take longer to create than a “traditional” story. Just like what I said with IWB, using digital storytelling can have technical break downs too  which can be a problem in the advance of class. If time is a 

One thing I want to point out and I don’t like is that learners may have problems during the digital storytelling. For example, formulating a sound, may only have limited access to the resources needed, there is limited ability to save from the internet could be time consuming, and there could be copyright and intellectual property issues. But even with these things that I don’t seem to like, the good use out shine the negative ones so I'll be only happy to use digital storytelling as a future teacher.

As a future teacher, I think I'll be using digital storytelling quiet well. I would like to use it to ask my students to portray a personal experience or something else in English since as I mentioned before I'm majoring in English. I would like to do that since I know it will help them improve the way the express themselves and for sure they will be more interested in learning. Moreover, as a teacher, I'll be using it to spark classroom discussions in topics that I think their opinion is being essential. Because, in the usual cramming way, students may see thing from one view, but because digital storytelling with the use of images for example, students get to understand more, then with the voice being added, they will understand even more and get an idea on what emotion is portrayed. In addition, I would like to use digital storytelling to create an emotional learner that connects his emotions and own experience to what he's learning. That's how I'm making sure that the information I want to convey will be engraved in their mind for so long. At the end, I'll be more than happy to use this technology, but I think a proper training is needed in order to achieve that.


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