الخميس، 29 مايو 2014

...WELCOME everyone to my blog...
...Technology & Education...

Well, as a part of my TECH3008 course assignment, I was asked to write 5 reflections 
 regarding 5
...topics associated to what we took in the course. So I hope you'll enjoy and benefit too

Nouf Said Al-Ghafri


Khalid Al-Saadi

The reflections in my blog covers 5 main topics

Technology in education:

-Reflection P.1:

It's not a secret that technology plays an effective role in the process of learning and education. It infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, such as hand held devices and computers. Moreover, technology expands course productivity, students' experiences, learning materials and supports learning. And as point that educators strive to take advantage of, it builds 21st century skills, increases students' engagement and motivation and accelerates learning.
As a student in the course TECH3008, I was able to wetness and learn about the use of technology in education more than other coursers I've been to. Besides, I was able to trace its benefits. Trough TECH3008 course and other, many technologies were used such as PowerPoint, prezi, Google apps and 

These technologies were mostly used to Liven up the traditional lesson and make it even more interesting by incorporating photos, texts, diagrams, music, sounds, or video clips. It's even effective to students who have shown much less initiative or facility with more conventional academic tasks. Moreover, this use of technology had provided students with a greater chance of learning by presenting the data visually, auditory and even by touch sometimes. That way, information stays longer in the long-term memory in the learner's mind.

Also in most of these classes, teachers asks their students to use these technologies to represent their understanding of a certain topic or to play the role of a teacher to explain something for their classmates in order to provide them with the needed information, presentation and speaking skills. That's why students are able to acquire an impressive level of skill with varies set of computer software and a confidence about being able to learn to use new tools that will support their learning of new software applications. One other thing that I noticed is that in our classes that use a varies set of technologies, students were more able to generate data from different resources especially the online ones, have better designing skills and creative thinking. 

Technology were also used to transform educating by ushering in a model of connected teaching. The model links teachers and students to a professional content to help in improving their own instruction and to personalize learning. Generally, the use of these technologies in class is enhancing the rate of learning, reducing costs associated with programs delivery, instructional materials and utilizing teacher's time in a better way.

-Reflection P.2:

There are things that I liked and didn't like when it comes to the use of technology in class. What I liked Is that we used varies technologies, so it was interesting and we were able to know many types of programs that will help us in the educational process as students and teachers. But the thing I didn't like is that in each topic we studied, it would have been better if we studied even more examples and applied them in class. For example, the story telling topic. It would be better if we could experience more programs at class. All in all, I think the use of technology in education is so effective, but I believe it would be so overwhelming if the class was over occupied with it. And if it was used in a wrong way, it would turn into a disappointment tool instead of an educational one.

As a future teacher, I'm confident that I'll be using technology in my teaching later  on. Instead of the usual cramming and dull way in teaching a subject, I can use multiple technologies to create a lesson plan while using visuals, audio and even touching to attract students and enhance their understanding. I can use movie maker to tell a story, presentation to explain a certain role and web quest to test my students' level of understanding and performance.  I think it's hard to list all the ways I'll be able to use technology since there are many programs, software, devices and apps. But for sure whatever I want to teach my students, for sure there'll be a technology that will suite my needs.



 :IWB) Interactive white board)-

There many ways and theories that exist in the world of education. So as educators, it's our duty to find out what's the best for our learners. Should we make them learn everything by cramming or should we teach them the logical steps wise thinking beside the ways of accessing data, deducing from references gathered and make observations?!!

Since we cannot learn everything by rote and cramming, we need to find and device a course structure that provides the required technology that helps in smooth processing of collection of information. Moreover this structure needs to promote learning by 
tending to a learner's natural curiosity. All you need is an IWB!!!

What is a Smart-board? And Can a board actually be smart and interactive? We can define Smart-board as a new highly interactive tool  that is commonly found in schools, universities and other educational institutions. Simply,  it is touch screen that is composed of a projector, a white board and a computer. 

-Reflection P.1:

In TECH3008 course, we used "Active inspire" which is an IWB software and even used it to design our own lesson, which was about environments.  It helped us to  design a lesson that can be presented through IWB  with rich, powerful activities that are able to grab learners' attention, while blending the use of practical experience and presented data. It represents a ready to use activities and a wide range of tools in order to create various activities that suite different types of students. And it was wonderful to be able to use multiple media in order to represent our lesson.

Trough search and what I've learned in classes, I came to learn many things about IWB and its use as an educational tool. This magnificent technology is used to enhance the class or presentation's quality with varies types of pedagogical tools such as pictures, videos, audio and so on. That's how it saves the teacher's and the student's precious time. Moreover, it helps the students pick up the information easily and have it in their long term memory for so long. If an information is presented in more than one way, then the chances of its being connected with other data and being remembered are higher. Also since it can include or be attached to many other technologies, apps…ect, Students can access or contribute to the presentation or lesson easily.

Another important usage is that students with Asperger’s syndrome, autism, attention deficit disorder and other behavioral or mental issues, can benefit from IWB since it provides a stimulating focal point for lessons and can therefore be a tremendous asset. Ana since lots of those students have a problem with expressive communication, IWB enable them to manipulate data and answer questions new avenues for sharing 

I think there is this use which is ''the immediate access to online resources'' that is considered one of the most important uses of IWB, at least from what I observed trough class. Using this technology enables high teachers to enrich the lesson with a variety of instructional modalities quickly and easily. A teacher can access a segment of an online video or news in order to provide the student with farther information or to support a specific point in a lesson. A virtual field trip becomes possible. Higher level math teachers can use a IWB graphing calculator to not only solve a problem, but also to demonstrate graphing the process.

On top of what I mentioned previously, Interactive whiteboards provide an instant feed-back and make easy for the data gathered during the class lesson to be stored and later on retrieved  for review or to email to an absent student. Everything that is done in a high school class, whether student or teacher generated, can be saved. Portions of the data can be redacted, that's how during review, students can test their understanding by replacing the missing data. And through the use of this technology, Instruction becomes comprehensive across classes, and material can be downloaded, printed and so on. Moreover, a Teacher can share examples generated in his class with the next class. Ofcorse, IWBs can be used in many other ways depending on the teacher and the students.

-IWB foe beginners:

Reflection P.2:

Through my journey to learn about IWB, there were things I didn't like or concerned about regarding it. It costs a lot of money and it can be a problem for school districts that are low on funds or for smaller or rural school districts. Basic Smart Board models cost just under £650 as of 2010, but many models cost more now. So I think not all students will be able to have an 
access to it.

Moreover, as a student myself I find it difficult a bit to depend on IWBs completely hence as any other electronic device, it may face a break down at any moment for some reasons. That will be problematic since the lesson material will be online or stored there and even if the teacher always makes a back-up teaching plane in cases of break-downs, it's a waste of his/her time to double their efforts always. Another thing I'm concerned about regarding the use of IWBs is that it requires a constant maintenance which needs a professional and again that can be a problem to schools with low funds. Moreover, to be able to use IWB, a teacher must be trained which some teachers , especially the old fashioned ones, may find difficult. And eventually they will abandon the use of it even after spending lots of money on it. I liked active inspire software very much after practicing it in class and personally I liked that I was able to be creative in presented information instead of using cramming.  But I wish if it contains even a wider range of tools, pictures or maybe sample videos related to different topics. But even with these concerns, I still think a good use of this technology is essential and I've to admit that I come to like IWB even more.

As a future teacher, I think I will be using IWB and active inspire software to teach my class. An important point is that IWB makes the teacher able to create customized learning objects and tasks from a set of existing content and change it to suit the students' needs. Because I'm majoring in English, I'll be able to make my own activities using the provided tools to make the class more interesting especially if I want to teach my students a new rule. Besides what I've mentioned previously about the use of IWBs, I think there are other things that I personally want to try.

Nowadays as there's plans to allow students with special needs and some types of disorders to blend with other students in normal schools, I think I can use IWB to teach them. For instance, I can adapt material for students with visual challenges and use it in different and suitable ways. 
They can adjust brightness or contrast controls as they wish and resize text and graphics. Since the scale and brightness is greater than that of a pen and paper or traditional chalkboard, Students with limited vision can mostly write on the surface of the board . Moreover, students can enlarge images or videos so that they can view details they wouldn't be able to see on a smaller computer screen.

All this can help students with visual challenges to not only view data that would be otherwise inaccessible, but also to participate more fully in the lesson and to interact with objects on-screen. I can use this technology in the future also with deaf students. As a future teacher, I'll be able to keep my hands free of pen tools because of finger-touch capabilities 
provided by IWBs, which can interfere with signing.

Also, I plan  to not use the spoon feeding or cramming way with my students, so through IWB I'll be sending them some materials and sources to look at or search about to prepare foe next class. Moreover, I'll use it to provide them with their marks and give the feed-back regarding their performance. Another thing is that I heard that IWB can be attached to clickers, so maybe I'll use that to give them multiple choice questions or to get their opinions in  a topic easily instead of wasting time. All in all, The use of IWBs depends on how you use it. Yes, it's so helpful, but nothing is perfect.   


Digital story telling:

Digital Storytelling is basically an art that portraits real or fictional events, and adding the multimedia elements of voice, imagery, and music to create a visual story. Stories are more often told to entertain, but for sure it makes a great tool to teach Lessons and provide morals. Storytelling is mostly considered to be a essential aspect of humanity. So, many apps and software were found to serve the purpose of storytelling and through years people used this technology for various reasons including education.

-Reflection P.1:

Generally not many courses used digital storytelling in teaching *according to my own experience in university*, but I believe in the importance of using it in order to be able to portray many things that would be hard to be understood if we used a dull and normal way to explain it. Usually students and teachers use programs like Movie maker, Animoto or cameras in digital storytelling. Through TECH3008 course and others, I found that digital storytelling can play an important role in educating at class.

It can be used in class to get the information stuck easily and mostly in the students' mind. I've always noticed that when we are being crammed with facts and data, only a certain amount sticks in our brain and the rest just disappears. However, when we are told a story with the data in context blended with the use of multimedia, more information is actually retained. This could easily be attached to the fact that just like our emotions, human minds are “hard wired” for stories.

Ofcorse the use of digital storytelling in class can be by students and teachers too. Teachers tend to ask their students to do digital storytelling in order to provide them with needed the digital and presentation skills. The process can capitalize on the creative skills of students as they research and tell stories of their own as they learn to use the library and the Internet to research rich, deep content while analyzing and guarantee a wide range of content. In addition, learners who participate digital stories' creation may develop their communications skills by getting to learn how to organize their own ideas, ask questions, express their point of view, and construct narratives. Moreover, it helps students to be able to convey their own thoughts and emotions in a more creative way. Some teachers create their own digital stories and show them to their students as a way to represent new material and information. An engaging, multimedia-rich digital stories can sever as an anticipatory set or hook to guaranty the attention of students and make them more interested in exploring new ideas.  

Students with diverse learning styles tend to be attracted to digital Storytelling which can foster collaboration when students are able to work in groups. Moreover, through personal ownership and accomplishment, digital storytelling enhances the student's experience. In addition, when digital stories are being published online, students will have the opportunity to share their own work with others and gain valuable experience in critiquing their own and other students’ work. which can results in social learning and gaining emotional intelligence. And according to what I've learned, the more we used digital efficiently, the more students are able to tell what the presenter is trying to tell.

Another important point I want to mention is that digital storytelling encourages students to write more effectively trough permitting the visualization of the writing which leads in an additional level of perception. Moreover, since digital story telling include managing many multimedia, texts, arranging and linking many things together in an appropriate way, students will be able be more organized and 
will get to be more focused through the process.

Through the TECH3008 course we applied the concept of digital storytelling through learning about and using Animoto which is a cloud-based video creating service that produces video from video clips, photos and music into video slideshows. It includes many interesting features like using a very beautiful themes that goes well many aspects. In addition, it got ready to use images and videos. In class we practiced on it to create our own digital story while experiencing its many features and it was really worth the try.

-Reflection P.2:

I totally liked the digital storytelling. I liked the fact that as students we are no longer restricted to the cramming way of learning and that we can be as creative in presenting the content of our study. While practicing on Animoto, I found it so useful and I liked its features, but I only wish for even more themes to be added. Aside from that, I've no objections regarding it, it's a wonderful program.
Even with the obvious benefits of digital storytelling, there are thing that I don't like regarding it.  That fact that lots of teachers don't seem to know how to use this technology well reflecting in poor understanding to the content the teacher is trying to communicate through it. In addition, some teachers have a difficult time figuring out how to assess digital storytelling assignments.

Moreover, not all students will be able to deal with this technology the same. Some may take longer time to grab the idea and some will be fast so managing a certain time to finish their storytelling is hard to set. digital storytelling usually take longer to create than a “traditional” story. Just like what I said with IWB, using digital storytelling can have technical break downs too  which can be a problem in the advance of class. If time is a 

One thing I want to point out and I don’t like is that learners may have problems during the digital storytelling. For example, formulating a sound, may only have limited access to the resources needed, there is limited ability to save from the internet could be time consuming, and there could be copyright and intellectual property issues. But even with these things that I don’t seem to like, the good use out shine the negative ones so I'll be only happy to use digital storytelling as a future teacher.

As a future teacher, I think I'll be using digital storytelling quiet well. I would like to use it to ask my students to portray a personal experience or something else in English since as I mentioned before I'm majoring in English. I would like to do that since I know it will help them improve the way the express themselves and for sure they will be more interested in learning. Moreover, as a teacher, I'll be using it to spark classroom discussions in topics that I think their opinion is being essential. Because, in the usual cramming way, students may see thing from one view, but because digital storytelling with the use of images for example, students get to understand more, then with the voice being added, they will understand even more and get an idea on what emotion is portrayed. In addition, I would like to use digital storytelling to create an emotional learner that connects his emotions and own experience to what he's learning. That's how I'm making sure that the information I want to convey will be engraved in their mind for so long. At the end, I'll be more than happy to use this technology, but I think a proper training is needed in order to achieve that.


-Supporting teaching by creating presentations:

-click to view using prezi...

Reflection P.2:

Although I really enjoy using presentation technology, still there 
are times where I question why I keep using them. Not that I feel not like using them, but there are thing that I don't like. For example, because this technology is so beneficial, lots of students and teachers depend on it completely to give a lesson and present all the information without inquiring the student to think and challenge himself .Even though its interesting, but the absence of the human element and discussion, steals that feature. In addition, as I mentioned before, technology can face break downs any moment and if the teacher is depending on it to convey the information, then it's a waste of time to not have a class. That's what I don't like, but generally if the teacher and students are well trained and aware of how this technology works, then I suppose there will be no problem. I already like prezi so much, but as for powerpoint, I wish for more interesting set of themes.

In future, I'm planning to also use presentation technology in teaching practice. I want to use it to create quizzes to my student and display for all to see so I can generate their attention and interaction. Also I would like to use it to provide a summery for what I will teach them so they will be able to discuss it with me in class and then go back to it whenever they feel so. In addition since lots of students are not well organized, I will use presentation technology to ask my student to do some reflections over a project they will do. That will help them organize their thoughts, time and to think of what are the most important points they need to portray in their presentation. One last thing is that I'll ask them to create their own lesson regarding one of the topics in the curriculum in order to test their understanding and encourage them to search.

All in all, as a student myself, I find it important to use presentation technology, but always with the condition of proper training and  well understanding of the technology and the roles of both teachers and students.


Mobile learning in the classroom:

-Reflection p.1:

Nowadays, mobile learning is creeping steadily through the educational process. Mobile learning is "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices”  (Crompton, 2013 p. 4). In other words, with the use of mobile devices, learners can learn 
anywhere and at any time.

M-learning technologies include handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks, mobile phones and
 tablets. It focuses on the mobility of the student or learner, interacting with portable technologies, and learning which reflects a focus on how society and its institutions can attach to and support an increasingly mobile population. I didn't really  use this kind of education in one of my courses except TECH3008. In this course we applied mobile learning through using mobile phone phones and the apps it holds. For example, whatsapp and play store. We were being able to discover set of apps that we can use as future teachers. In addition, we used whatsapp to organize a discussion group without being required to attend class. Moreover, since nowadays mobile devices includes internet connection, it became even easier to use for learning.

Lots of teachers and students are starting to use it more often now is that it's inexpensive since the cost of mobile devices are significantly less than PCs and laptops. They also encourage using it in classroom for its multimedia content delivery and creation options. Since it's always with the user, it provide continuous learning support when it's being needed. Moreover, teachers tend to use it to make the lesson more interesting and to make it easier on their students.
Mobile-learning technology offers educators and students a more flexible approach to learning. Computer labs are so useful, but can students use it in classrooms, school's garden, study hall, the gym, 
and on field trips? With mobile learning, students can.

The educational system we work in is not known for its speed at catching up new ideas, but with mobile-learning it is catching up in a fast way. This technology is easy for kids to use, and comes with built-in Wi-Fi to access the Internet. In addition, Instructional designers of classroom materials are always looking for ways to liven-up the instructor-led training experience since people tend to find it boarding listening to a dull lecture. Incorporating video provides students a moment to focus on something else, and it can be effective in catching their attention through visual ways, for example; videos. In addition, it provides an easy access to online sources and apps which gives the student the chance to get whatever information he/she wants in a fast way. Students and teachers can be pretty creative with the basic tools provided on most desktop of mobile devices. They can ,for example; create a video using a camera, mic, and the video editing tool

Another thing is that now schools and educators plan on using mobile learning since the creating books can cost a lot and using it guarantees a huge online storage place instead of using real storing places. With low priced mobile devices such as: tablets, and cell phones in the hands of kids in resource challenged societies, many children will get the opportunity to skip past outdated formal school systems. This is especially relevant in the case of kids who are poor and may not have an opportunity to improve their condition through education since they work early so they can sustain their families. That can apply on students who live very far away from schools.

Moreover, mobile learning devices provides the ability to  access educational content during pauses throughout the daily routine. Also educators can use mobile devices to share educational materials with their students and even ask them to giver their opinion on a topic through a special apps. Ofcorse, these are not all the ways an educator or teacher may use mobile learning in 
class, but these are the well-known and most important ones. 

Reflection P.2:

Well to start with, I believe that mobile learning can play an important role in educating people. I like the fact that I can access data and get the lesson without being required to attend class. In case I couldn't attend it, I can always find the materials online. I also liked that we can to use many apps that are interesting and are related to what we are studying. Mobile learning is really interesting that it can energize me and make me more engaged in class. But what I don't like is that too much use of this technology can cause students to be distracted during class. Moreover, in case of these devices got no energy left, we cannot use it nor access to the lesson data. In addition, sometimes because of whatever reason, the data stored in these 
devices can be lost.

As a future educator, I think I'll use this technology to teach students in needs. For example, students who are deaf can use these devices to touch and use it's visuals. It help them to feels more like their normal peers.

Moreover, I'll apply it by creating Polls  or quizzes in real time. Instead of asking the students to raise their hands if they agree or disagree with something, I can use a service like "Poll Everywhere" and students'  cell phones. I can set up the poll or quiz, and then track instant answers sent via text, Twitter, or web browsers. I can also use whatsapp to hold a discussion with them or send them some kind of educational materials such as videos, asking them to analyze it. I'll definitely make sure that I'll take advantage of this technology.
